Book Review of Unmasking Autism by Devon Price, PhD

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Unmasking Autism: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity by Devon Price, PhD is a wonderful handbook for newly-diagnosed Autistic adults. I appreciated the book’s attention to detail and the reflection exercises in each chapter. Read on for my full review!

Overall structure of the book

The book begins with an introduction titled Alienation. Even if you usually skip introductions, this one is worth a read. The author explains their backstory but also explores some foundational concepts of autism that are good to know before you move on to the rest of the book.

The eight chapters in Unmasking Autism build on each other to create a full picture of the diverse experiences of masked autistics and how we can advocate for ourselves to meet our unique sensory and communication needs.

The chapters include:

  • What is Autism, Really?
  • Who Are the Masked Autistics?
  • The Anatomy of The Mask
  • The Cost of Masking
  • Rethinking Autism
  • Building an Autistic Life
  • Cultivating Autistic Relationships
  • Creating a Neurodiverse World

Although it is written as a handbook for masked autistics, it can be equally insightful for our neurotypical loved ones to read. This is especially true of chapters one through five, which lay the foundation for the last three chapters.

The conclusion of the book, titled Integration, examines the psychological concept of the word and how it applies to Autistics as they learn the healthier coping skills needed to stop masking and live more authentically with the unique strengths and challenges of autism.

The book, as a whole, skillfully follows the arc of moving from alienation to integration. The author successfully brings together their own experience and the experiences of many other autistics to illustrate the key points in each chapter. The result is a relatable, actionable handbook.

Helpful charts and call-outs in Unmasking Autism

Unmasking Autism also has a lot of charts, call-out boxes, and exercises that complement each chapter. For example, the Cultivating Autistic Relationships chapter contains a table of Common Autistic Communication Needs. I like how it lists a specific need in one column and suggestions for accommodations in the other.

For example, with the overall need for “Reduced Sensory/Social Load” I found examples of behaviors that I’ve naturally developed over time. The most important ones for me are giving space to talk while driving or taking a walk and being allowed to express myself via text/email/handwritten notes. Both scenarios help me process my emotions and thoughts, as well as those of the other person, more fully. There were also many ideas I haven’t tried but I’m looking forward to using.

What to read after Unmasking Autism

If you are curious about other resources for adult autistics, be sure to check out my resource list of books, websites, and social media accounts that focus on adults (and especially women) with autism.

You can learn more about Unmasking Autism, including listening to an excerpt of the book, on the Penguin Random House publisher’s website.